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Your Community Mapping Website
Welcome! GIS stands for Geographic Information Systems. This means we are able to provide maps and information to the public. This can be as simple as, "Where's my house?" or "What is the zoning for this area and what are the regulations?" We are constantly striving to bring the latest information to your fingertips. Choose the Maps link at the top to get started.
It is understood that, while Finney County GIS, participating agencies, and information suppliers, have no indication and reason to believe that there are inaccuracies in the information provided, Finney County GIS and it's suppliers make no representations of any kind, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular use, nor are any such warranties to be implied with respect to the information, data or service furnished herein.
In no event shall Finney County GIS become liable to users of these data, or any other party, for any loss or damages, consequential or otherwise, including, but not limited to time, money, or goodwill, arising from the use, operation or modification of the data. In using this data, users further aggress to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Finney County GIS for any and all liability of any nature arising out of or resulting from the lack of accuracy or correctedness of the data, or the use of the data.
No person shall sell, give or receive for the purpose of selling or offering for sale, any portion of the data provided herein. [K.S.A. 21-3914; K.S.A. US-220(c)(2)]